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  1. Create or update legal documents:

    • Will

    • Power of Attorney for healthcare and finances

    • Living will or advance healthcare directive

    • Trust, if applicable

  2. Communicate end-of-life wishes:

    • Have conversations with loved ones about preferences for medical treatment, life support, and resuscitation.

    • Designate a healthcare proxy to make decisions on your behalf if you're unable to do so.

  3. Organize financial matters:

    • Compile a list of financial accounts, assets, and debts.

    • Consider consulting with a financial advisor or estate planner to ensure your affairs are in order.

  4. Review and update insurance policies:

    • Life insurance

    • Health insurance

    • Long-term care insurance

  5. Pre-plan funeral or memorial arrangements:

    • Decide on burial or cremation preferences.

    • Select a funeral home or service provider.

    • Outline desired funeral or memorial service details.

  6. Organize important documents:

    • Birth certificate, social security card, and other identification documents.

    • Marriage certificate, divorce decree, or other relevant legal documents.

    • Property deeds, vehicle titles, and other ownership documents.

  7. Compile a list of important contacts:

    • Family members, friends, and loved ones to notify in case of emergency or passing.

    • Contact information for doctors, lawyers, and financial advisors.

  8. Consider organ donation and medical research:

    • Make decisions regarding organ donation or body donation for medical research.

  9. Digital estate planning:

    • Provide instructions for accessing and managing digital accounts and assets.

    • Consider designating a digital executor or utilizing digital legacy services.

  10. Emotional and spiritual preparations:

    • Engage in conversations about end-of-life wishes and desires with loved ones.

    • Seek emotional support through counseling, support groups, or spiritual guidance.

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